Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dead Sea Marketing

Tuesdays with Tiffany
By Tiffany Colter


It is Tuesday and I'm so excited. I love coming over every week to share marketing tips and reflections on the writer's life. I hope that this is a place where you are not only refreshed but that you learn.

Yesterday on my main blog I posted a "Tough Love" message and received some of the nicest comments I've gotten from any blog. I'd encourage you to check it out, as well as the follow up blog.

Dead Sea Marketing

What do I mean by that?

Do you know what the Dead Sea is? It is a stagnant body of water in the Holy Land. Things flow in but they never flow out.

Many times writers talk about being overwhelmed by crit partners, rewrites, blogs and conferences. They spend so much time learning how to write that they never have the time to actually write.

The same thing happens with some marketers. I've been guilty of this. I've spent so much time learning how to market and talk about marketing that I never actually do it. In fact, my two blogs were actually born out of that realization. I wanted to unstop the plug in my marketing by sharing it with other people.

What I learned is that I now have a hunger and passion again where things had once gone dry. I am not storing up all of my knowledge for my own gain; I share it with others.

My new internship program was also born out of that. I wanted to have a way to learn more while at the same time teaching. It is an exciting way to help people who are committed to a dream, but not necessarily able to afford it, to move forward.

Is your marketing looking more like the Sea of Galilee-teaming with life, feeding the hungry bodies and souls of those who long for your gift?

Or is it the Dead Sea? Stagnant from disuse?

What are you going to do to breathe life in to every area?

Something to think about. We'll continue the conversation tomorrow on my main blog.

And if you'd like to know more about my internship read this post and then contact me through my website.

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