Writers' Rest
A place to sit a while -- learn and share -- as you navigate through life to your eternal home in Heaven.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
When the Cowboy Rides Away
I'm back--with big writing news to share. My novel When the Cowboy Rides Away has a new publisher and a new cover, but both versions are exactly the same. If you read the old version, you read the new version, too. Let me know what you think. Below is the original cover so you will know whether or not you already read the book. By the way, When the Cowboy Rides Away won two contests for published authors after the first version was published, and that information is posted in the new version.
Maggie Gallagher, twenty-one, runs the Gallagher Ranch in South Texas and has raised her little sister and orphaned nephew since her parents and older sister died. No wonder she can’t find time for romance!
When the Cowboy Rides Away opens two years after Maggie loses her family members. Out for a ride with her sister, she discovers Alex Lancaster, a handsome cowboy, shot and seriously wounded, on her land. Kind-hearted and a Christian, Maggie nurses him back to health despite all her other chores.
How could she know that Alex has a secret that could break her heart?
When the Cowboy Rides Away won the 2016 Texas Association of Authors contest in the Christian western category. In the same year, When the Cowboy Rides Away also placed in the Will Rogers Medallion Award in the Inspirational Western Fiction category.
"A sweet western romance novel set in South Texas, 1880. I enjoyed the sassy and competent Maggie Gallagher who cares for two orphan children, relations of hers. The complication when Alex Lancaster is found wounded and with a memory loss pulls two strong-willed but likeable characters together. Struggles with witchcraft and intrigues combine with believable relationship conflicts. They must deal with suspicion and mistrust issues when secret, unhappy pasts clash. Good pacing of development of relationships. Appreciated the surprise twist."
~ Janet Chester Bly, author and co-author of 32 fiction and nonfiction books
"Molly Noble Bull produces another western novel that is so authentic I felt as if I were there in South Texas. I’ve been there a number of times, and she has the setting perfect. I loved the characters who tugged at my heartstrings throughout the story, and I kept turning pages to find out how it would all end."
~ Lena Nelson Dooley, award-winning, best-selling author of over 30 books
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
God Bless You, Texas
by Molly Noble Bull
Texas, Our Texas is the title of
our state song, and it tells a lot about Texas and Texans—about the kind of
people we are and have always been. I live in the ranching area of my state
near Corpus Christi where some of the biggest ranches in the country, if not
the world, are located. But Corpus Christi is a seaside city on Corpus
Christi Bay. Rockport is a small but
beautiful seaside town north of Corpus.
I live is southwest of Corpus and was on the south side of Hurricane Harvey or
the back end of the storm, meaning we didn’t get the blunt of the storm this time.
However in the past, my area has been on the north side, the front end, of the
high winds and heavy rains connected with dangerous storms; so we know first
hand what Houston and other parts of our state are experiencing now.
a few exceptions, Texans are known for their friendliness, big hearts, and
strong faith in the God of the Bible. I would like to end this message with
quotes from
Texas, Our Texas.
Our Texas! All hail the mighty state!
Our Texas! So wonderful so great!
and grandest, withstanding ev’ry test
Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest.
bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
you may grow and power and worth, throughout the ages long.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So..
In the Book of Psalm, chapter 107 and verse 2, the Bible tells how believers are to witness in the end times--speak up regardless of the consequences.
. Let
the redeemed of the Lord say so, Psalm 107:2
am redeemed of the Lord, in the name of Jesus, and I will overcome by the
Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony and dwell in the House
of the Lord forever.
. Let
the redeemed of the Lord say so, Psalm 107:2
am redeemed of the Lord, in the name of Jesus, and I will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony and will dwell in the House
of the Lord forever.
. Let
the redeemed of the Lord say so, Psalm 107:2
am redeemed of the Lord, in the name of Jesus, and I will overcome by the
Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony and will dwell in the House
of the Lord forever.
Have you said so yet?
Have you said so yet?
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Chicken and Dumplings
Molly Noble Bull
you chicken and dumplings?
I was a child and a young adult living at home with my parents, I especially
liked that particular meal, and I assumed that everybody else liked it too. But
apparently, not everyone likes chicken and dumplings.
Bible says that the true church is the Bride of Jesus Christ and that when
Jesus returns to earth at the second coming, he will marry the true church, and
they will live happily ever after—in eternity—a place called heaven. Knowing
this, is it any wonder that women like to read and write romance novels with forever
after endings?
marriage is the blending of two different families into one new and often
unique family, and in order to make this new family work, many if not most
brides and brides-to-be spend time before and after the wedding learning what her
groom likes and what he doesn’t. The same is true with the church. The true
church spends time reading and studying the scriptures in order to learn what
the Lord likes and what He doesn’t like.
Bull is my earthly husband, and we have been married for many years. But like
the church that is the bride of Christ, I had to learn what Charlie liked and
didn’t like as a newly married bride. Sometimes, these lessons can be painful.
and I had been married about a year when I decided to fix chicken and dumplings
for supper. It was a meal favorite in my family, and I was sure Charlie was
going to like it too. But when I poured chicken and dumpling onto his plate
that evening, he did not look happy.
looked up at me and frowned. “This is nothing but watered-down biscuits.”
couldn’t understand why he was so angry. Until that moment, we had never had a
single disagreement must less an all out argument.
was like two football teams fighting, the Dumplings against the Anti-Dumplings,
and the anti-dumplings won. In the new family that came about as the result of
our marriage, chicken and dumpling were never served in our home, and I doubt
if our children even knew it was a family favorite on my side of the family.
true church is like that. The bride of Christ learns what her groom likes and
what he doesn’t like from reading and studying the Bible, and not only does she
stop doing the things he doesn’t like, she repents for doing it in the first
I never served chicken and dumplings in our home again, I have ordered it at restaurants,
and it doesn’t taste as good as I remember it tasting when Mama cooked it.

The first one, The Secret Admirer Romance Collection, is a collection of 9 historical novellas by 9 different authors. My novel is titled “Too Many Secrets.”

titled Cinderella Texas, a modern day
Christian western set on a cattle ranch in
South Texas where we live today.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Pippa and Hedge live happily ever after.
Molly Noble Bull
have always told me that I am a funny lady—that I make people laugh. But as any
writer will tell you, humor is hard to write. One man’s funny is another man or
women’s corny, silly, stupid.
Cinderella Texas, my soon to be published western romance is a little scary. Is
it another Christian Gothic like Gatehaven where my setting was a haunting
mansion in England?
Then why is it scary?
Cinderella Texas made me laugh as I was writing it. But were readers going to
like my kind-of-funny novels? As I was watching Fox News and reading about the
wedding of Kate Middleton’s sister, Pippa, in a line of updates at the bottom
of the screen, I read it like this. Pippa Middleton weds Hedge Fund Manager.
Or Hedge Fund. Or Hedge F. Manager. What a terrible name for a romantic hero
any way you write it—much less the name of the husband of someone as lovely as
Pippa Middleton. I’m so glad that Hedge’s real name is James Matthews. It’s more
heroic and romantic, too, than Hedge Fund Manager. But then, what do I know?
read the first chapter of Cinderella Texas, go to my website. www.mollynoblebull.com www.mollynoblebull.comhttp://bit.ly/mollynoblebullScroll down
and click Molly’s Free Downloads, and while you are there, check out The Secret
Admirer Romance Collection and my novella in that collection, “Too Many
Secrets.” It’s funny too—or corny. You
decide. To see all my books, click here. http://bit.ly/mollynoblebull
That’s me in the wedding dress on the arm of my late father, waiting to walk down the aisle. I don’t own a picture of Pippa in hers.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Secret Admirer Romance Collecton— http://bit.ly/secretadmirerromance
novellas by 9 authors.
My name is Molly Noble Bull, and my novella is titled,“Too Many Secrets.” Read the first two
chapters now at www.mollynoblebull.com
by scrolling down and clicking
Free Downloads.
What is TOO MANY SECRETS about?
Abigail Willoughby hides her feeling for Luke Conquest, the handsome cowboy who introduced her to her mail-order-husband. How could she had guessed that her future husband was ninety years old?
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
I'm the One With Gray Hair.
Molly Noble Bull
suffer from a come-and-go digestive problem that sometimes requires medication,
and yesterday, I went to the drive-in window of the local pharmacy to pick up
my refilled prescription. As I was driving off, I noticed that my name was not
written on the little white sack with the medicine in it. The last name was
Bull, all right, but the first name wasn’t Molly.
drove around the block and returned to the pharmacy, but this time, I had to
wait in line. When I finally got to the window, I grinned at the lady I’d
talked to the first time.
back,” I said, holding up the little white sack. “You gave me the wrong
medicine. This is for someone else. I’m the one with gray hair.”
laughed. Then she found what I came for, handed it to me, and I went home.
we receive medicine, truths, really meant for someone else. The Lord seemed to be
showing me that when that happens, we are expected to turn around, return the
medicine, and go home. I think I learn the most about God when I am given bad
tasting medicine really meant for someone else.
Secret Admirer Romance Collection is a collection of nine novellas by nine
different authors, and my novella is titled “Too Many Secrets.” http://bit.ly/mollynoblebull
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