Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Take Correction

Tuesdays with Tiffany
By. Tiffany Colter

Proverbs 9:8-9 (New International Version)

8 Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you;
rebuke a wise man and he will love you.

9 Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still;
teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.

This morning as I sat down for my daily Bible reading and "Board Meeting" with God this verse jumped out. I knew I had to blog about it with you.

This week is ACFW's National Conference. Hundreds of writers will be in Minneapolis meeting with Editors and Agents hoping to make an impression, land a deal and learn that "One Thing" that will change their writing forever.

But how many will use what they learn?

This year I am NOT attending ACFW. I've blogged before how God told me that until I use what He's already given me. I accepted His instructions and, as I look at this weeks calendar, am again overwhelmed by God's wisdom.

I am working on a few different writing projects and three of the 'converge' this week. That means I have major finishing work on 3 projects for this week. There is NO way I could have enjoyed conference under that pressure.

But what about all of you? Those of you who are going...and those who aren't. This blog is for everyone.

One thing I DID learn last year that applies to many writers is their unwillingness to receive wisdom. All of us think that first Manuscript is BRILLIANT. But are we able to lay it on the altar of God and let it go? Do you know that I've written 3 1/2 full Manuscripts and I'm still not published in book length fiction. In 2006 I wrote over 100,000 first draft words [that means I didn't count the revisions, additions, etc. so that number is at least double.]

In 2007-2008 it was all about correction, perfection and reflection. [Be impressed!! I worked really hard to get three rhyming words :-)

During that 18 month time it was all about God correcting me in spirit, mind and body. I had to eliminate some bad attitudes, I had to listen to people wiser than I am and I had to trust God through the process. It was very humbling...VERY HUMBLING.

However, as I look at what God is now doing through me I am even more humbled. That the God of the Universe took the time to correct me and make me in to this.

Oh, I haven't arrived by any means, but even as I share my heart with you, tears are in my eyes. The Bible tells us that "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

So whether you're told by an agent "You need to work on dialog" by an editor "Work on your character arc" or in a conference class "manage your time better" or even in your time alone when God says "Not now."

Take correction...you'll grow as a person AND a writer.

Your Coach for the Journey, Tiffany Colter

*** Scriptures complements of NIV and Bible Gateway [www.BibleGateway.com]

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