You thought I was going to use a poor man for the second example, didn’t you? But the truth is, I have known families who’ve experienced the latter and been grateful for it!
Are we?
The idea of being grateful in hard times has been pressed on my mind over the past few months as my daughter battles the effects of Lyme’s Disease and its treatment. Why? Because though this experience has been very difficult on her, we are astounded at how God put things in place so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. We thank Him for His mercies.
This summer we were informed by my daughter’s new school that at the beginning of the year they would have a “field trip” overnight for five days. Given that we did not have any time to get to know the teachers chaperoning this trip and I couldn’t be there because I homeschool my special-needs son, this raised a few red flags. Sorry, but when you work in the mental health field, as I do, you sometimes know too much about what CAN happen.
Yes, I know, sometimes I need to let go and trust God to protect my child, and believe me, I had friends arguing that fact. But something in my heart kept saying NO. So I prayed that both my husband and I would have the discernment to make the right decision. Both of us felt a clear calling to keep her home.
She was diagnosed with Lyme’s the week before the trip. She could not have gone even if we’d allowed her. The treatment made her sick each morning and she
Unbelievable! The timing couldn’t have been better.
Then, after finishing the first round of antibiotics, the symptoms came back. Momma-worry set in and more antibiotics were ordered, but THANK GOD the next two days of school were closed due to a professional day and the election. We had time to adjust to a new round of antibiotics and its effects on her every morning. We had to change her eating schedule to see if it would lessen the nausea and allow her to get to school on time. It worked!
So, yes, rather than shaking my fist at God’s allowing Lyme’s Disease into my daughter’s life, I Praise Him for His Mercies! I trust that if Lyme is part of His plan, it is the start of a new and better life. Maybe a challenge that would stretch and strengthen us. Maybe a means of gaining knowledge we'll need later.
Who knows? All I know is He will use it.
This reminded us that God has the whole story already written and He alone knows how it will play out. I suspect, given He is a good and holy God, though it may be rife with drama and suspense, He favors Happy Endings.
I trust in that.
I trust in Him.
Just when we think we have it all figured out, He fills our life with things we can't understand but must trust Him with. Great story and a message to ponder!
Yes, Jan! He confounds the wisdom of the wise. And if we trust in Him, we see His goodness. It's kind of like floating on your back in water. When you relax and let go, you float. When you think your supposed to do something to support yourself, you sink.
As a Christian, I have discovered that God often gives out sort of topics He wants discussed at a certain time. I remember listening to TV pastors on Sunday mornings as I dressed for church only to find that my pastor preached on the exact same topic and scripture verses at church on that same morning.
Connie, I was thinking of writing an article on this very topic. I think that confirms that what you wrote was right on target.
Good job.
Connie, I love the insight and wisdom you put into your articles. You'll say it's God-breathed, and of course you're right. Still I love how you put these insights on paper in a real and thought-provoking way. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the great thought to ponder. hope your holiday was wonderful!
Diane :O)
Well, Molly and Teresa, as I mentioned in the comments of Teresa's article, Great minds think alike--oh yeah, not great minds ... empty vessels waiting on the Holy Spirit :o). Happy Thanksgiving. Yes, several days late, but it's never too late to be thankful!
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