Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Little Moments of Thankfulness

In church last Sunday the pastor told us to think of the last time we'd received good news. I couldn't think of a thing. I looked to my husband for inspiration. He just shrugged. Like the Grinch who stole Christmas I puzzled and puzzled til my puzzler was sore. Nothing came to mind. I was still reeling from the election results earlier in the month and not in the mood to think on good news. As far as I was concerned, there wasn't any. But what sort of attitude is that for a born again believer in Jesus Christ? So I repented of willfully holding on to my anger and discouragement, took down my yard signs, prayed for the current administration and that senior White House adviser David Axelrod who I seriously don't like, and decided to look for some bits of good news instead of dwelling on the bad. Since it's Thanksgiving I thought I would share a few of those moments here. 1. My husband caught the mouse I saw run under the cabinet on Saturday. No, he didn't set it free to begin life anew somewhere else. It's dead.
2. My 4-year-old niece reminded me how little girls can find delight in everything from pink fur-lined mittens to learning a new song in Sunday School. 3. Even the toughest, most crotchety interviews I had this week would soften and smile when I wished them a Happy Thanksgiving. 4. I'm surrounded by friends and family and people who love me and think I'm amazing. 5. I'm not longer mad at you, America. You're still the best country on earth. Anyone else have any moments of good news to share that make life as delightful as pink fur-lined mittens?


Molly Noble Bull said...

Great article, Teresa, and we all have moments when we wondered what to be thankful for. At times like that, it's hard to remember that "All things work together for good to them that love the Lord." But it's true. I guess we just have to keep reminding ourselves of that fact.

Teresa Slack said...

Thanks, Molly. It's easy sometimes to get caught up in all the negativity of life & forget the myriad of everyday things we are thankful for. Like being able to communicate with you and readers so easily. Happy Thanksgiving.

Connie Almony said...

Oh,my, Teresa!!! Great minds think alike. Wait til you see my post on Saturday ... about being thankful in hard times :o). Isn't Jesus wonderful?