A place to sit a while -- learn and share -- as you navigate through life to your eternal home in Heaven.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thankful in Hard Times
You thought I was going to use a poor man for the second example, didn’t you? But the truth is, I have known families who’ve experienced the latter and been grateful for it!
Are we?
The idea of being grateful in hard times has been pressed on my mind over the past few months as my daughter battles the effects of Lyme’s Disease and its treatment. Why? Because though this experience has been very difficult on her, we are astounded at how God put things in place so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. We thank Him for His mercies.
This summer we were informed by my daughter’s new school that at the beginning of the year they would have a “field trip” overnight for five days. Given that we did not have any time to get to know the teachers chaperoning this trip and I couldn’t be there because I homeschool my special-needs son, this raised a few red flags. Sorry, but when you work in the mental health field, as I do, you sometimes know too much about what CAN happen.
Yes, I know, sometimes I need to let go and trust God to protect my child, and believe me, I had friends arguing that fact. But something in my heart kept saying NO. So I prayed that both my husband and I would have the discernment to make the right decision. Both of us felt a clear calling to keep her home.
She was diagnosed with Lyme’s the week before the trip. She could not have gone even if we’d allowed her. The treatment made her sick each morning and she
Unbelievable! The timing couldn’t have been better.
Then, after finishing the first round of antibiotics, the symptoms came back. Momma-worry set in and more antibiotics were ordered, but THANK GOD the next two days of school were closed due to a professional day and the election. We had time to adjust to a new round of antibiotics and its effects on her every morning. We had to change her eating schedule to see if it would lessen the nausea and allow her to get to school on time. It worked!
So, yes, rather than shaking my fist at God’s allowing Lyme’s Disease into my daughter’s life, I Praise Him for His Mercies! I trust that if Lyme is part of His plan, it is the start of a new and better life. Maybe a challenge that would stretch and strengthen us. Maybe a means of gaining knowledge we'll need later.
Who knows? All I know is He will use it.
This reminded us that God has the whole story already written and He alone knows how it will play out. I suspect, given He is a good and holy God, though it may be rife with drama and suspense, He favors Happy Endings.
I trust in that.
I trust in Him.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Little Moments of Thankfulness
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
I wrote most of it, but one of the other four authors is Margaret Daley, current president of ACFW, American Christian Fiction Writers.
Also, writing as Julianna Deering, The Drew Farthering Mysteries: Rules of Murder (Coming Summer 2013 from Bethany House)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Do You Think You Have More Energy Than God?
Genesis 2:1b
In my “previous life” as a Christian counselor I specialized in working with over-achieving, perfectionist women who suffered from anxiety-based disorders. They were extraordinary, amazing people who’d accomplished much, but it was never enough. They often defined themselves by the goals they’d achieved, but somehow the achievement left them wanting. They believed rest was not for the weary—for certainly, they would have partaken. Rest was for the lazy.
Huh? Wouldn’t that mean God was lazy? After all, He rested on the seventh day.
Of course they weren’t actually calling God lazy, but certainly they looked at His seventh-day activity as one of uselessness. But that can’t be. God is never useless.
So if God’s rest is not useless, neither is ours. Research on the brain shows there is much work being done while we sleep. Much of what we process about what we’ve learned through our waking hours happens at that time. Repair of wear and tear on our body is done at rest. Rest is so important God even built it into whole seasons. Wild animals hibernate and vegetation stops producing fruit for months out of the year. In fact, blueberry bushes will not produce fruit in the summer unless they have a certain amount of time below freezing in the winter. They need rest, too.
God not only commanded we rest on the seventh day, he also commanded farmers rest their fields for periods of time. I’m thinking rest is kind of important.
So why is it we look at this “activity” with scorn? I think it’s pride. We want to show that we can do it all without our Creator’s help. He tells us to follow His commands—even to rest—and He will make things happen. Hard for an over-achiever to do, but that’s what surrender to His Will looks like.
So submit to God. And don’t forget to rest.
Connie is a 2012 Genesis semi-finalist for Women’s Fiction. She was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Winter 2012 WOW Flash Fiction Contest for her entry, Why Not to Kiss on a Park Bench (aka. Harold and Violet). Come visit her on one of her other blogs:
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Madily in Love by Lynda Lee Schab
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Evolution. Where Did It Come From?
A theory is merely a speculation,
according to Webster's Illustrated Contemporary Dictionary,
and Charles Darwin is the father of the theory of evolution.
But is he right?
Did we evolve? Were we once monkeys? Fish-like mammals? One cell animals?
Or were we made in the image of God the Father as the Bible says?
It boils down to whether or not you believe the one, true and Living God via the Holy Bible or you believe a dead-man named Darwin with a theory.
David Rives had filmed a series of videos that discuss evolution and other somewhat related topics.
Below is the first one of these short videos.
I hope you will find it as interested as I do.
David Rives Video 1
The November issue of Christian Fiction Online Magazine features my short, short story, D Is For Dyslexia.
Scroll down on the right hand side of the screen to find the magazine and click on the cover. Then on the main page, scroll down until you see the list of current short stories and D Is For Dyslexia.
Please leave a comment either regarding the video or the short story. We want to hear from you.