Wednesday, April 27, 2011


by Molly Noble Bull

I watched a well-known TV show recently, and the host of the show began a discussion on what should and shouldn’t be preached in church. A liberal, female guest on the panel seemed outraged that a preacher might blast sin from the pulpit. In other words, preachers should never preach against it. 
I wanted to ask. Then if not to learn God’s will and do it, what is the purpose of going to church?

From what she said, one might gather that sermons should promote the “so called” social gospel of taking from the rich and giving to others. Or maybe she wanted to be told by her pastor that it was well with her soul even when it wasn’t.  
The Bible says in Hosea 4:6, [My people are drstroyed for lack of knowledge.] Knowlege of what? God's will. If we don't know that what we are doing is wrong in God's eyes, how will we ever repent? And we must repent in order to be saved.      
I have had friends that have committed every sin in the book, and I love them dearly. Yes, you can hate the sin but love the sinner. I have committed plenty of sins, and according to the Bible, everybody has.   
Jesus came to earth to give us a spiritual bath by washing us clean with his perfect blood -- not to cover up the stinking smell with perfume.
Hell is a real and terrible place, and God doesn’t want even one of us to go there. That‘s why God sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to provide that spiritual bath we all so need.
The world is changing all around us. Tornados and earthquakes are everywhere, and huge waves are rolling across the land as prophesied in the Bible. The Lord has been telling us for thousands of years via the scriptures that this day was coming—that the end is near. Perhaps now, we might say that the end is very, very, very, very, very near. Very near.  
I say, yes. Preachers should preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. And if they don’t, what is their purpose? What is the benefit of going to church? We should always pray and worship, but some today are praying and worshipping God in their homes.

The photo above with a church on the cover came from one of my novels, now available at Kindle. 
You don’t have to agree with my conclusions, but please leave a comment.



Molly Noble Bull said...

No matter what the sin might be, forgiveness is always available. But you must repent.

Cecelia Dowdy said...

You must repent and accept God's grace for your sins. Yes, preachers should preach about sin - also, think about the newly-saved, they might even be ignorant about some sins they are committing if they haven't yet read their Bible thoroughly. Yes, preachers should preach about sin, but, before doing so, a preacher should pray about the deliverance of his message, he should want his flock to understand his message and to he should not sound judgmental against his congregation.

Molly Noble Bull said...

Thanks for writing, Cecelia. And yes, we must repent in order to take advantage of God's free offer of Salvation and every lasting life through faith in Jesus Christ.
It's called Grace, and it is amazing.

Margo Carmichael said...

Preachers should have the courage to preach the truth in love. Jesus was/is love personified, yet He didn't mince His words. He called sin sin. But, yes, He loved the sinner. And yes, prophetic things are falling into place faster and faster. Amazing.

Teresa Slack said...

Sadly there are a lot of preachers who have been influenced by people like the woman you saw on TV. My husband and I listen to radio broadcasts by local preachers on our way to church every Sunday. It's amazing the sugar-coating many of them put on the Word in our own conservative area. I can understand why young people turn away from church attendance when they leave home. Many pastors make the message of God's love boring and rhetorical. Such a shame. Jesus was accused of much, but never or being boring or redundant.

Molly Noble Bull said...

Well said, Margo and Teresa, and thanks for writing.
Jesus was NEVER boring. In fact, he was/is the most interesting and exciting person who ever walked on this earth.

Anonymous said...

If we have to repent every sin then we are not really saved, just forgiven for the sins we remember we committed or have the knowledge was wrong and committed. Jesus died on the cross one time for all of our sins, through our whole life.It is impossible to repent every sin, we sin because we are sinners, not the other way around. It cheapens salvation and grace when it is mixed with law, and the focus is put on ourselves and our so called obedience and diligence to the law. Why put focus on sin, and not on Jesus, the only person who was perfect, and without sin, or off of his perfect work at the cross. When we do that we will be transformed by Jesus and his love for us, and sin less,instead of feeling guilty or self righteous, (and neither are good for us) for our attempts at behavior modification to the law. The law only brings out sin, and does not prevent us from doing it.

Molly Noble Bull said...

Thank you, Anonymous, for stopping by and wrtimg, but perhaps I didn't understand your comment.
We must repent. In fact, the Bible says to repent and be baptized.
I repent when I have wronged friends and family. "I'm sorry. Forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," are things I say fairly often. Why then, would I not also say the same thing when I have wronged the Lord? For me, it is a way of showing love, honor amd respect to my Lord and Savior. If nothing else, it is called being polite.
I connot remember every sin I have ever committed, but I can repent of the sins I know about and then ask the Lord to also forgive the sins I don't.

Teresa Slack said...

Well said, Anonymous. You sound just like Joseph Prince, a pastor from Singapore I watch every morn. You're not him, are you? Thanks for posting.

Molly Noble Bull said...

Thanks again for writing, Anonymous and Teresa.
Your comments gave me an idea for an article, and that is always good. Please read my next article at Writers Rest. It will be somewhat about this topic.
Isn't it great that Christians can disagree and still be friends in the Lord?