Posted by Teresa Slack
Nearly every time I speak to a book club or writers’ group I am asked a variation of the following question--What’s the best writing advice you ever received? I’ve received plenty of advice and inspiration over the years. But the best is often the simplest.
This advice came from country music singer Toby Keith. He said; “You can’t tell a writer to write better. You can only tell them to write more.”
Not exactly rocket science, but for me it was spot on. Don’t write better. Write more.
Regardless of our abilities or experience, there’s no excuse for not writing more. Even if it’s garbage and most of it will be edited into oblivion, we can still do it.
Imagine your doctor said you needed brain surgery. You could schedule with the guy fresh out of school who knew all the latest techniques and innovations. You would be his first patient. Or you could have the one who performed your type of surgery every day, and she was known throughout the country for her skills and experience.
You can choose whomever you want, but let me tell you, I’d pick the one who did my surgery every day.
I don’t know about you, but I am my own biggest roadblock for not writing more. Or should I say my doubts, fear—and dare I say it—laziness are my biggest roadblocks. But they shouldn’t keep me from finishing the stories I believe I’m called to write.
Whether it’s the story idea that’s been pestering you for years, the article you should’ve written last week, or the blog post you’ve put off for too long, write it. Don’t worry that it’s too long or too short or not original enough. Don’t wonder if anyone will like it or if the market will support it. Write it. And don’t write better. Write more.
What about you? What’s the best writing advice you ever received? Share it here and let us encourage one another.
Teresa Slack’s first novel Streams of Mercy, the first in her Jenna’s Creek Series, won the Bay Area Independent Publishers’ Assn award for Best First Novel. It is currently available as a free download on Amazon through May 17th. Click here to get your copy and then check out the rest of the series. Teresa’s down-to-earth characters and realistic dialog have endeared her to readers and reviewers alike. Learn more about her and her books at her website or on her Amazon author page. Follow her on Facebook & Twitter to stay up to date with what’s coming next.
A place to sit a while -- learn and share -- as you navigate through life to your eternal home in Heaven.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
by Molly Noble Bull
As a Christian Republican, I am NOT part of what some call The Establishment. In fact, I am far from it. I am a pro-life, pro-family constitutional voter who was once, years ago, a southern democrat.
As a Christian Republican, I am NOT part of what some call The Establishment. In fact, I am far from it. I am a pro-life, pro-family constitutional voter who was once, years ago, a southern democrat.
prayed that the Lord would send us Christian candidates to get this country out
of the mess we are in, and He did. In my opinion, the Republicans had some
excellent candidates early on, and then Donald Trump got in the race.
be honest, I liked some of the things Donald said he was for in the beginning.
But that all changed when he went after Megan Kelly. The name-calling began to
get under my skin after that, reminding me of every playground bully I ever
knew in elementary school, and with each new insult I liked Donald a little
less. I became worried when I realized that I was beginning to dislike him more
than the democrats.
Carson said that Donald Trump was two men. But a two-headed leader never works
for me because you never know which head is speaking.
woke up early this morning, and since I couldn’t go back to sleep, I found
myself thinking up ugly names to define Donald Trump. I repented for my wrong thinking. Does Donald repent for his?
In the New Testament of the Bible, Saul was a bad guy who hated Christians, but God turned him into a good guy, changing his name to Paul—also known as Saint Paul. May the Lord turn all our Sauls into Pauls, and save our country now and for generations to come.
In the New Testament of the Bible, Saul was a bad guy who hated Christians, but God turned him into a good guy, changing his name to Paul—also known as Saint Paul. May the Lord turn all our Sauls into Pauls, and save our country now and for generations to come.
this point in time, I cannot vote for Donald, if he is the candidate, and I
will not vote for a democrat. But I will vote for all the other Republican
don’t know why other women don’t like Donald. I can only speak for myself. But
I am praying for him, and will continue to do that—right up until Election Day and beyond.
P,S., I voted for Ted Cruz in the Texas primary, and as a published Christian novelist, I am endorsing him now as our future President of the United States.
P,S., I voted for Ted Cruz in the Texas primary, and as a published Christian novelist, I am endorsing him now as our future President of the United States.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Molly Noble Bull
is true that sticks and stones can break bones. But words hurt. Words have hurt
me. Words have hurt you. Unkind words have hurt just about everybody.
Donald Trump defines people by calling them one of his now famous acid names.
Every time he does it, I remember back when someone treated me unkindly, and I
don’t want to remember those events. Nobody does.
am a mom, a grandmother and former elementary and early childhood teacher, and I
find myself constantly wishing I could wash Donald’s mouth out with soap or
send him to the “time out” corner for his childish behavior. I am also a
Christian. As a Christian, I forgave those who said or did something unkind to
me and pray for them in the name of Jesus. But what of those who fail to
you spell stirring up anger?
If I am an example, The Donald stirs up anger almost daily, and I don't like getting angry. That is not who I am.
He has promised to become presidential once he gets the nomination. I hope he means it. But how can we know for sure? Can you imagine sitting on the edge of your chair each night, watching the evening news and waiting to hear what evil name the Donald called some world leader or his wife that day?
He has promised to become presidential once he gets the nomination. I hope he means it. But how can we know for sure? Can you imagine sitting on the edge of your chair each night, watching the evening news and waiting to hear what evil name the Donald called some world leader or his wife that day?
don’t know about you, but my husband and I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in the Texas
primary. Words hurt, and though none of the Republican candidates are perfect, only
one has an acid tongue.
out my newest western, When the Cowboy Rides Away.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
1, 2016 – Molly Noble Bull has won first place in the 2016 Texas Association of
Authors Award, Christian Western Category, for her novel, When the Cowboy Rides Away, published by Elk Lake
Publishing. The Texas Association of Authors is an organization whose focus is
to promote the authors within the great state of Texas.
When the Cowboy Rides Away is a
romantic, inspirational western novel set on a cattle ranch in South Texas in
1880, and the e-book version will be on sale at Amazon for 99 cents, starting on March 15, 2016.
All entrants in the Texas Association of Authors contest must
live in the state of Texas. Molly’s Texas pedigree is impressive. Her father
and grandfather were ranch foreman—real Texas cowboys—and she spent part of her
growing-up years on a sixty-thousand acre cattle ranch in South Texas where When the Cowboy Rides Away is set.

You can explore Molly’s books on Amazon and Goodreads, and you find her
website at Molly is a member of American Christian Fiction
To arrange a book signing or
an interview, contact Molly at
Praise for When the Cowboy Rides Away:
Noble Bull produces another western novel that is so authentic I felt as if I
were there in south Texas. I’ve been there a number of times, and she has the
setting perfect. I loved the characters who tugged at my heartstrings
throughout the story, and I kept turning pages to find out how it would all
end.” Lena Nelson Dooley, award-winning,
best-selling author of over 30 books.
sweet western romance with good pacing of relationship development. I
appreciated the surprising twist!” Janet
Chester, author and co-author of 32 fiction and non-fiction books.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
by Molly Noble Bull
I spent part of my growing up years on a cattle ranch in South Texas much like the one mentioned in my new western historical, When the Cowboy Rides Away. Scroll down, read the first chapter and let me know what you think.

When the Cowboy Rides Away
Chapter One
I spent part of my growing up years on a cattle ranch in South Texas much like the one mentioned in my new western historical, When the Cowboy Rides Away. Scroll down, read the first chapter and let me know what you think.

When the Cowboy Rides Away
Chapter One
Southern Texas
Early May 1880
Somebody was coming.
Maggie Gallagher slowed
her sorrel mare. A small dust cloud hung over the North pasture like a puff of
smoke. As she continued to eye the trail of sand and dust, it grew larger.
She glanced back at her
younger sister. “Hurry up, Sarah. A rider’s headed this way. See if you can get
ole Short Legs to trot.”
The little red-haired girl
covered a yawn with the back of her hand. “I said I was coming.”
“Well, can you get that
pony of yours to move a little faster? We need to go on out to the cemetery,
leave our flowers, and rush right home. A caller will probably be waiting for
us at the house when we get back.”
The main house was over a
mile from the ranch cemetery and a mere twenty miles from the Gulf of
Mexico—and it was almost always windy there. In fact wind and South Texas were
like many married couples—together, but sometimes fighting.
The morning breeze felt
cool on Maggie’s face, but that wouldn’t last long. By noon the temperature
could reach 100 degrees. Her aunt often said that South Texas was the only spot
on earth where the wind could be hot, even in the shade.
She loosened the bow under
her chin and pushed back her blue-flowered bonnet. She might as well sit back
in the saddle and enjoy herself. It was obvious Sarah was in no hurry.
Maggie thought about the
dust cloud she’d seen. She wasn’t expecting visitors. But since company
appeared to be on the way, she hoped it was Roger. He’d said he might ride into
town. On the way back to his place, he often stopped by the Gallagher Ranch to
leave Maggie the mail he picked up for her, and she was hoping for a letter
from Aunt Violet.
He’d watered his horse in
a creek with only a trickle of water in it and crossed a bridge. Now, Alex
Lancaster guided his black stallion through thick brush, leaving a trail of
dust and sand behind. He had to find Dee. Until he did, nothing else mattered.
But his horse needed rest.
The animal wouldn’t hold up much longer without it, and he’d pushed him
relentlessly since he rode north from the border, stopping at creeks and lakes
when he found them, sleeping and then moving on again.
Now he wasn’t sure exactly
where he was. The entry gate said Ranch Headquarters, One Mile, but it didn’t
include the name of the ranch.
He thought the ranch he
was searching for was at least fifty or so miles north of here, but as long as
he was in the area, he might as well stop and check. At the least he could
water his horse again, and maybe the ranch owner would give him directions.
Alex could barely see the
outline of a two-story house in the distance, but that was enough to keep him
moving forward. He would talk to the folks at the headquarters, cool off for a
while, and then head out and keep going until he found her.
But would she let him
explain what happened? Would Dee be able to forgive him?
Alex blinked, sucking in
his breath. Would he ever forgive himself?
Maggie looked back. Sarah
kicked her pony with the heels of her black boots, and the paint horse broke
into a light trot. At ten Sarah Ann Gallagher was eleven years younger than
Maggie. Yet she still wasn’t as comfortable on a horse as Maggie had been at
six, nor was she as handy in the kitchen.
Maggie glanced at the
clump of spring flowers clutched in Sarah’s hand. The bouquet looked slightly
wilted despite the colorful blossoms. “Sarah, don’t drop your flowers.”
“I won’t.”
“Good. We’ll need them if
we expect to put some on each of the graves.”
Turning her attention from
Sarah, Maggie saw that the dust cloud was bigger now. She squinted for a better
look. Was she imagining things, or was that a rider on a black horse? Roger
didn’t own a black horse as far as she knew. Whoever was coming sure wasn’t
Alex wished he’d bought a
straw hat before heading north; his felt one made his head feel even hotter.
Sweat poured down his forehead. He pulled out a white cloth and wiped his face
and neck, but it wasn’t so easy to wipe away memories of what happened in
Brownsville, Texas.
He could still see Dee in
her white wedding dress and veil, standing beside him in front of God, Pastor
Garza, and a few other people. The joy he felt at Dee’s cottage in Brownsville
on their wedding day would have lasted a lifetime if the pastor had been a real
one instead of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Joe Garza was no more a man of God
than Alex was a millionaire.
Alex knew that common-law
marriages were legal in Texas because of the lack of preachers on the frontier,
so in the eyes of the law, Alex and Dee were
married. But Dee would never be satisfied with anything less than a Christian
marriage; neither would Alex.
Alex was no lawman, but
he’d thought he was a good judge of character—until Garza robbed a bank in
Brownsville the day after the wedding. That was when Alex learned the truth
about Joe Garza. Alex got so riled up when he discovered that Joe only
pretended to be a minister, the bank robbery was the last straw in the hat.
Alex had to go after him—lawman
or not—and bring the crook to justice.
His jaws firmed just
thinking about it. He’d trusted the man and encouraged Dee to trust him. But
plainly their marriage wasn’t legal in the true sense. Once he realized that,
he’d followed the fake preacher-turned-outlaw across the Rio Grande River.
Unknown to Garza, Alex hid
in the brush while Garza buried the money. Later, after Alex reburied it, he
searched the streets of the Mexican village for Garza. But he didn’t find him
until that night when the outlaw came out of a cantina.
Alex rubbed the small scar
on his chin as he recalled that fateful night.
Lively music had blared
from inside the Cantina. A soft glow came from the lamps that lined the front
of the white structure. Garza, in ragged trousers and wearing a wide sombrero,
held a bottle in one hand. He’d stumbled around, no doubt from too much whiskey.
Then he turned, saw Alex, and threw the bottle at him. Alex ducked. Garza
pulled a knife from his belt. A fight followed. Alex’s nose was bloodied, but
he avoided the knife except for a small cut on his chin.
The next thing Alex knew,
he and Garza were incarcerated. Alex was thankful they were put in different
cells and later in different prisons; otherwise, one or both of them might not
have survived three years in a Mexican jail.
Alex had wanted to write
to Dee while he was in prison, to explain everything and let her know he
intended to return to her. But he wasn’t allowed to write Dee so much as one
letter. Inmates in Mexican jails had no rights, not even American prisoners who
were innocent. Now more than ever he had
to find Dee and make amends.
Alex squinted straight
ahead. The house was a little closer now but still some distance away. It stood
on a rise and looked shiny-white in the blinding Texas sun. He wanted it to be
Dee’s home, but it wasn’t, not this far south. In any case, Alex sensed that he
had another problem. Someone was watching him.
He gazed around and didn’t
see anybody. Still, he felt that somebody was out there. He knew ranchers
didn’t take kindly to strangers on their land; whoever owned the white house
wouldn’t either. He could get shot for trespassing, especially after nosing
around that cabin.
Alex entered a plowed
field. A feeling of foreboding shot through him. He pulled back slightly on his
reins and looked over his shoulder. Had he seen something he shouldn’t have
when he rode over and took a look at the wire fence and then the cabin? Was he
being followed now? Or was he just spooked from spending three long years
behind bars?
The black horse and rider
Maggie saw earlier seemed to vanish in a burst of cutting wind that whipped the
sandy soil all around them. Blinded for a moment, Maggie wiped her eyes and
brushed away grains of the whitish sand sticking to her lips. As she opened her
mouth to remind Sarah not to hold the stems so tightly, a gunshot reverberated
off to their left.
Both horses shied. Sarah
grabbed her saddle horn to keep from falling off.
“What was…what was
that?" Sarah asked in a shaky voice.
Maggie jerked around in
the saddle, gazing off in the direction from which the rifle blast came. Dust
hovered just above the brush-line.
“Don’t worry.” Maggie
tried to feign a calm response. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”
She wouldn’t tell her
little sister they might have plenty to worry about. The shot came from the
same direction as the dust cloud. If somebody was shooting on Gallagher land,
Maggie wanted to know about it. It appeared the gun was fired from the other
side of a group of small trees.
One of their ranch hands
plowed that part of the ranch yesterday, but Maggie didn’t know who might be
there now. The trees obstructed her view.
“It’s probably one of our
cowboys shooting at a rattlesnake or something,” Maggie said after a long
She couldn't share with
her little sister that the gunman couldn’t be any of their ranch hands. With
the exception of an elderly cowboy they called Big Lupe, all their men were
working cattle on a different part of the ranch now.
The dust cloud moved away
at a rapid speed.
“What’s happening?” Sarah
demanded in an unsteady voice.
“Don’t worry. Everything’s
going to be fine.”
Maggie was tempted to grab
hold of the reins Sarah held and lope back to the house, pulling her sister and
the pony behind her. But someone could be hurt out there and in need of help.
She couldn’t leave without knowing.
“Why don’t you stay here?”
Maggie suggested. “I’ll ride over there and see what’s going on.”
Sarah’s eyes widened and
her face paled. “Please don’t! Do you expect me to stay here all alone?”
“I thought you could for a
minute while—”
Sarah shook her head. “No!
Take me with you.”
Maggie took a deep breath
and released it. “All right, but stay behind me.”
They hadn’t traveled more
than fifty feet through the tall grass when Sarah trotted Short Legs up beside
“Maggie,” she whispered,
“do you really think somebody shot a rattlesnake out there?”
Maggie hesitated then
decided to speak the truth. “No, I don’t. And don’t you make a sound.”
Sarah whimpered. But
Maggie didn’t have time to stop and comfort her.
They skirted the trees;
then Maggie saw something, though she
wasn’t sure what. A dark object lay in the plowed field beyond the tall grass.
It looked too big to be a coyote or a newborn calf.
“What is it?” Sarah
“I don’t know yet.”
The moment she said it,
Maggie knew that what she saw was a man in dark-colored clothes.
Sarah gasped as if she
came to the same realization. “Is he dead?”
“I’m not sure.”
Maggie’s heart pounded so
loud she imagined Sarah could hear it. She knew better than to become involved
in unknown situations, especially with her little sister at her side. Hadn’t
her late parents warned her time and again about something like this? But as a
Christian she couldn’t leave a wounded man out there in the open. Without
attention the poor stranger could die.
Maggie dismounted slowly,
handing her reins to Sarah. “You stay right here. And don’t try to follow me
over there when I’m not looking, hear?”
Sarah nodded.
Maggie’s hands shook so
much she had difficulty unhooking her small quirt from her saddle horn. If only
she’d thought to bring a rifle.
Taking control, she
gripped the thin leather whip firmly. She’d only planned to be away from the
ranch house for a short time, and her late father’s pistol and rifle were heavy
and burdensome. She’d left them behind. She would never leave the house unarmed
The braided leather quirt
wasn’t much, but it was the only weapon she had. She felt slightly more
confident and crept forward then glanced back at her sister.
“If anything bad happens,”
Maggie said, “I mean real bad,
I want you to hightail it back to the house and ring the bell. Promise?”
“I promise.”
“I’m counting on you,
Sarah Ann.”
Terror rose in Maggie’s
throat at the thought of what she might find if she moved any closer. After
what happened that day five years earlier, approaching any man she didn’t know
tied her insides in knots. And there was no way of knowing if this man was dead
or alive—or dangerous.
Oh, she could play the
part of a secure person; her role in life demanded it. She was responsible for
rearing Sarah and Jon Anthony, her late sister’s child. But inside where no one
could see, Maggie was soft like melted butter.
She needed to lean on her
faith and pray. Somehow, simply knowing that God had promised to be with her
always gave her the courage to continue.
Maggie turned back toward
the man on the ground and started walking toward him again. Her heart slammed
against her ribs with each step. Out of the corner of her eye, she combed the
pasture for any strange movements that might indicate a gunman lurking in the area.
A flock of doves fed on
the ground nearby. She took another step, and they scattered. Maggie jumped as
if she hadn’t expected it to happen. The rustle and white flash of their wings
when they soared upward startled her a second time. She looked around
cautiously before going on.
Blood. Maggie gasped,
digesting the situation. The sight of blood always made her queasy, and the
man’s left shoulder was almost covered with it.
# # #
Saturday, January 2, 2016
For ONLY 99 Cents

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