Friday, May 27, 2011

Movie Review -- ATLAS SHRUGGED

Part 1 

by Molly Noble Bull

According to the dictionary, atlas is like an exclamation of disappointment, regret or sorrow. And to shrug is to draw up the shoulders in displeasure, doubt or surprise.
I shrug when asked a question and don’t have an answer.
I’m supposed to be writing a movie review on Atlas Shrugged. Trouble is, I haven’t been able to see the movie yet. 
The movie is only available in big cities. We live in a small town.
Therefore, this will be what I call a do-it-yourself movie review. I’m depending on all of you to tell us about this movie. However, I do have a copy of the movie trailer. Let’s watch it, and we’ll talk again later.


The movie, Atlas Shrugged—Part 1, comes from a 1200 page novel by Ayn Rand, and apparently, there will be a Part 2 and Part 3. According to the product description on the book, Atlas Shrugged is about a man who promised to stop the motor of the world—and managed to do it.  
So why is the movie so controversial? Why did Hollywood prevent it from being shown in most theaters around the country? Some think it was because the book and movie paint free enterprise in a good light as opposed to the welfare state.
As I said, I have not seen the movie yet. But if and when the movie is available on DVD, I will let you know via a post on Writers Rest.
Please leave a comment. And if you have seen the movie, please tell us what you think. 


Cecelia Dowdy said...

Sounds like an interesting movie. The book is 1200 pages? Wow. I think it'd be cool to read the book and compare it to the movie. I just checked. I don't see it showing in my area either. It looks like it's only showing in about 17 states and about 32 movie theaters? That's not very wide movie distribution...

Beth Shriver said...

Looks intense! I tried to read the book but couldn't finish it so I'd like to see how it ends:)I'm sure it will be controversial, maybe that's why they're being selective in where it plays.

Molly Noble Bull said...

Thanks for writing Beth and Cecelia. I might never see the movie, but I hope to see the DVD soon.

Teresa Slack said...

I've never heard of it. I should get out more. Will def check it out though. Thanks, Molly for posting.