Robin Bayne, compiler of Words to Write By
By Molly Noble Bull
Today I am interviewing my good friend author Robin Bayne about her new book, Words to Write By. Not only do Robin and I share an interest in writing, I had the honor of contributing an essay that was included in Words to Write By.
1) Okay, Robin. Let’s get started. Tell us a little about Words to Write By. What kind of book is it? Please give us a short sample of what’s inside—a paragraph or two would be fine. Then tell us how you compiled all those essays into one book.
Robin: This is non-fiction, a collection of true experiences by well-known and aspiring writers. Here’s an excerpt from my opening note to readers:
Each day I receive devotional writings by e-mail, and read them
on desk and wall calendars. I often wonder how to apply that
day’s “lesson” to my writing, and how to share my own favorite
verses with other writers.
Many writers keep a favorite quote or Bible verse taped to
their computer monitors, or as part of their e-mail signature or
website theme. Why do they do this? For the inspiration, they
might tell you.
I have asked some of the best writers in the
business to share their inspiration with us, their favorite words of
wisdom, and explain why they find them so special.
So take a moment and enjoy the collection, see how many of
them also speak to you. Make a copy and tape one to your own
monitor, or even better, be inspired to find your own special quote
or verse.What words do you write by?
Compiling essays was a lot of work! The trick to assembling the essays of more than 50 writers is to stay organized. I loved working with all of my favorite authors and they contributed some great devotionals. The best part is hearing from someone that they were moved, or inspired, by one of the stories.
2) What is your typical writing day like?
I have a full time job at a small community bank, so my writing takes place in small chunks whenever I can fit it in. I really like to write away from my desk, longhand or with an Alphasmart, and worry about getting it into the computer later.
During the time I was compiling "Words," I kept charts and piles of chapters all over my desk and credenza so I could review it all regularly.
3) I understand that you also write fiction. Tell us the title of one of your works in progress and why the characters in that book are among your favorites?
I really can't select just one of each, but I do love my hero and heroine in "From Now On." Cami, the heroine, was actually the antagonist in my earlier book, "Cougar Lake." I loved that I could redeem her and make her likable, and hope readers think so too. I love that about inspirational fiction—characters can change for the better.
4) Do you have any advice for aspiring novelists?
Yes, read all you can and take a writing class. Practice as much as you can before you start submitting work to publishers. Never be afraid to revise your stories or articles. Attend online writing conferences and ask lots of questions! One good online workshop is the 'Muse Writer's Conference' held every fall. The web address for that conference is
7) Which genres do you enjoy reading for pleasure?
I mainly enjoy Christian romance or women's fiction, but will sometimes receive a western or mystery to review on my blog.
8) Thanks for coming, Robin. I hope you will visit us again.
Thank you Molly!
To order Words to Write By at a walk-in bookstore, ask for books by Robin Bayne. Write Robin Bayne in the search slot at online bookstores like Amazon, and don’t’ forget to visit her blog and website.
Next month, my guest will be historical author Golden Keyes Parsons. See you then.